Smart Solutions for Higher ED

Our Target Audience

  • Figuring out their next move after graduation. Whether college, trade, employment, military, certificate.

  • Freshmen or Sophomores that would like to discuss their options for selecting a major.

  • Students that have already picked a major, taken major-related classes, and are now having second thoughts about their future educational path.

  • Seniors who are ready to graduate and are unsure how to apply their studies to future jobs in their chosen field.

  • Adults who have life experiences driving their reason for an education.

Educators and Students

  • An assessment that takes the guesswork out of next steps.

    JOFI assessments created in part with ACT and ETS, have 3 sections of Assessments that integrate with the thousands of jobs on the O*NET

    -Cognitive which indicates critical thinking and problem solving,

    -Career interests based on O*NET SOC codes and

    -Forced choice personality questions that are “fake proof”.

    This gives test takers a JOFI JOB FIT REPORT that presents the top 15 job families they are most likely to be successful in and thrive.


    The report also provides a private link to website for next steps, called that highlights the top fit jobs and provides convenient paths to videos and informational websites to support career exploration. Participants can also create a JOFI Employability Certificate to support their job applications.

  • Save time, money, and stress!

    Our quick and cost effective assessments give students the top 15 job families that they will enjoy and thrive in.

    We empower the student to identify a major by using a data-driven approach. This includes using measurement tools that are aligned with careers based on their knowledge, personality, skills, abilities, and interests.

    Our goal is to provide the student with drive and motivation by creating an achievable plan to pursue their dream career. This will also alleviate some stress for students who are unsure which major to declare and/or in what type of career they will be able to experience the most job satisfaction.

    This program will set students apart from other graduates by teaching them how to articulate why they selected their major/internship to future employers. The student will be able to explain how they fit job application requirements based on their knowledge, skills, abilities, interests, and personality.

  • Our JOFI assessments are easily integrated into any current program platform.

    We partner with career services to support and provide clearer direction to students trying to identify which major to declare.

    The data gathered will benefit that individual student and can be used by the career services department to easily and quickly assist many more students.

    Increasing and/or retaining student enrollment by providing a data-driven career navigation process. Increasing graduation rates by increasing focus and enthusiasm for their major and the career path they have chosen.

    Job placement satisfaction after graduation. Students know which jobs to pursue and understand which knowledge, skills, and abilities they possess that allow them to succeed down that path.

    Supports the schools’ efforts provided to students, including job searching, internship resources, career centers, job fairs, and so much more.

    Higher enrollment, retention, and graduation rates is our GOAL

  • Our Career Navigation Process is designed to empower participants to discover their "Noble Purpose" by developing a clear plan to get started and path to follow. We do this by using the JOFI® Measurement tools and a structured Career Navigation process.

    JOFI® Measurement Tools

    We partner with JOFI® because they have easy to use and highly effective assessments that are developed using modern technology.

    It's benefits include:

    A way to connect education with jobs

    User friendly

    Job fit report has 43,243,200 possible outcomes

    Measures foundational competencies that are highly predictive for job fit

    The 5 T’s of the Predictive Validity Chart: Task, Teamwork, Trouble, Turnover, Training.


    Overview of Career Navigation Process

    Career coaching session

    Overview of JOFI measurement tool and how it is used

    Explanation of their individual Job Fit Report

    Understanding the ONET and its connection with JOFI® measurement tools

    Once the student has completed orientation they will use the knowledge gained from that session to complete the following five career navigation steps:

    Self awareness

    Option: Career exploration

    Decision making

    Action Plan

    Career portfolio