JOFI® Measurement Tools We partner with JOFI® because they are easy to implement and have highly effective assessments that are developed using modern technology.

Its benefits include:

  • A way to connect personality and career interests with jobs

  • User-friendly and mobile friendly

  • JOFI Job fit reports® have 43,243,200 possible outcomes

  • Measures foundational competencies that are highly predictive of job fit

  • The 5 T’s of the Predictive Validity Chart: Task, Teamwork, Trouble, Turnover, Training

  • Target Audience

  • High Potentials"Exceeds expectations" keeps them engaged/challenged

    Ambitious- “Always looking for next step" addresses their needs, helps identify career paths within the organization

    Actively disengaged - “emotionally disconnected/can affect team performance" They fit the culture, so realign them with other jobs in the organization

“The employment market has shifted dramatically and is not coming back”

A strategic, data-driven hiring process that benefits both the company and the employees

Skills-Based Hiring

At a time when the labor market is tight, organizations can implement a skills-based approach to hiring candidates based on their potential, not past experience. 

Organizations that implement a skills-based hiring approach have reported:

  • Broader, more diverse talent pool.

  • Reduction in turnover.

  • Increase in diversity.

  • Increase in retention.

  • Improved hiring speed.

The funnel represents a step-by-step approach to skills based hiring beginning with preparation prior to an opening to making an offer of employment.